
Succesfull SPS / IPC /DRIVES Fair 2016 for Belle electronic

Belle electronic presents his Industrial Communication Series \"BE\" during SPS / IPC / DRIVES 2016 in Nuremberg. 

Belle electronic is specialised in Industrial Communication. The Portfolio contains right now Industrial Ethernet Switches in different management levels. Starting with unmanaged devices up to security managed devices, Also different Connector Types are available, RJ45 and M12 in IP20/IP40 and IP54(IP67) hosuings. Basically there are 3 Lines. Slim Line - Flat Line and X-Treme Line. The whole product programm is \"Made in Germany\" and offers highest quality to very affordable prices.

In the near future the Product Series will be added with Gigabit, PROFINET and more-Port Devices. 
Also Network Security Devices are in development right now...


 Security Audit certificate.pdf
 I40 certificate.pdf